字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>上班族的英文翻譯


拼音:shàng bān zú


office worker


  1. 三十五歲的上班族長瀨正樹表示: "我並不期望新內閣會帶來任何改變,我們真正需要的是換掉首相。"
    "I don't have any hopes that the new Cabinet will bring any changes, " said Masaki Nagase, a35-year-old office worker, "What we need is to remove that Prime Minister."
  2. 我是上班族
    I'm an office worker.
  3. 三十五歲的上班族長瀨正樹表示:"我並不期望新內閣會帶來任何改變,我們真正需要的是換掉首相。"
    -old office worker, "What we need is to remove that Prime Minister
  4. 我只是一個平凡的朝九晚五上班族
    I am only a regular 9-to-5er.
  5. 頂客族沒有孩子的一對上班族的夫婦
    A two-career couple with no children.
  6. 我的生活和大多數上班族一樣很普通。
    ZU: Living a very normal life as most of the office workers.
  7. 我是上班族
    I’m an office worker.
