拼音:shān gāng 英文解釋:
hillock; hummock; monticule中文解釋:
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hill 中英例句:
- 公共汽車艱難地爬上陡峭的山崗。
The bus toiled up the steep hill.
- 當我們一路排除困難走下山崗時,天色已近薄暮。
It was getting along in the afternoon as we worked our way down the ridge.
- 史密斯的腳踏車在山崗上失去了控制,撞到了一棵樹上。
Smith lost control of his cycle on the hill and ran into a tree.
- “迦太羅尼亞人村那邊,小山崗上那是什麼東西呀?
"What do I see down there by the wall, in the direction of the Catalans?
- 翠的山崗上的一棵小樹
a small tree on a grassy mound
- 我們漫遊在山崗上和溪谷間。
We ranged over the hills and valleys.
- 一片烏雲籠罩著山崗。
A cloud is broodingover the hills