拼音:shàn biàn英文解釋:
fluency; plausibility【法】 eloquence
善於說辭能言善辯 >>查看“善辯”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.fluency 2.eloquence中英例句:
- 他能言善辯打動了民眾。The crowd were swayed by his eloquence.
- 善辯的口才對你沒有益處。Eloquence will avail you little or nothing .
- 那青年能言善辯,充分反映他思想敏銳。he argued with great acuteness; I admired the keenness of his mind.
- 他能言善辯把對方駁得體無完膚。He pulverize the opposition with the force of his oratory.
- 她靠能言善辯戰勝了他們。They were defeated by the power of her oratory.
- 能言善辯a silver tongue