拼音:shān bēng英文解釋:
avalanche; landslide; landslip; slide【法】 landslide
懸崖、陡坡上岩石和砂土突然破裂、崩落的現象。 晉 陸機 《吊魏武帝文》:“夫日... >>查看“山崩”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.landship 2.debacle例句:
- 山崩切斷了這個山谷與外界的聯繫。The slide cut off the valley from the rest of the world.
- 雪崩,山崩大塊物質如雪或岩石,沿著山坡降落或下滑A fall or slide of a large mass, as of snow or rock, down a mountainside.
- 山崩阻礙了高速公路上向南方行駛的車輛。A landslide has blocked off traffic moving south towards the motorway.
- 山崩阻礙了高速公路上向南方行駛的車輛。A landslide has blocked off traffic moving south towards the motorway
- 山崩後他們很有效率地把路面整平了。A: They leveled off the road so efficiently after the landslide.
- 山崩挾帶下大量的碎岩石。A landslide brings down tons of debris.
- 山崩後他們很有效率地把路面整平了。A: They leveled off the road so efficiently after the landslide
- 山崩川竭。The mountain fell down and the river dried up.