拼音:shài gān de英文解釋:
cutcha; sun-baked; sun-cured; sundried相關詞條:
- 乾肉曬乾的細肉條Narrow strips of meat dried in the sun.
- 這些磚是太陽曬乾的還是由火焙制的?Were these bricks baked by the sun or fire?
- 太陽很快就會把道路曬乾的。The sun will soon dry up the roads.
- 曬乾的番茄使這道菜味道特別濃郁。The sun-dried tomatoes give the dish a wonderfully rich flavor
- 玉米片去殼並曬乾的玉米粒,煮熟可作為食物Hulled and dried kernels of corn, prepared as food by boiling.