字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>傻的的英文翻譯


拼音:shǎ de


fool; foolish; softheaded


  1. 輕浮的;傻的或平凡的
    Characterized by frivolity; silly or trivial.
  2. 你租那棟房子真夠傻的了。
    You are fool enough to rent that house.
  3. 你租那棟房子真是夠傻的了。
    You were fool enough to rent that house.
  4. 幹了一件多傻的事啊!
    What a stupid thing to do!
  5. 鮑勃要是不犯傻的話,就不會赤著腳進城。
    Bob would not go to town barefooted if he had all his marbles.
  6. 羅伯特也夠傻的了,竟沒想到那一點。
    Robert was enough of a fool not to think of that.
  7. 一次極傻的意外讓蘭麗緹闖進了我的生活。
    It was the silliest incident that brought Nannette into my life.
  8. 傻子,就是更傻的大傻瓜們相信其為有價值的人。
    A fool is one whom bigger fools believe to be a man of merit
