字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>灑水的英文翻譯


拼音:sǎ shuǐ


asperse; aspersion


1.purling  2.waterspray  3.wetdown  


  1. 灑水車將水灑在路上以不使塵土飛揚。
    A sprinkler sprinkles water on the roads to lay the dust .
  2. 給街道上灑水
    water a street
  3. 一輛灑水車駛過,灑了我一身水。
    A sprinkler passing by, I was dashed with water.
  4. 型號85和90M在灑水龍頭的進口處關閉。
    The figure 85 and 90M closes at the inlet of the sillcock.
  5. 頭頂上的電線忽然消失,跑地下去了;草坪在無數個花園灑水器的澆灌下,綠意更盎然。
    The grass, watered by innumerable sprinklers, is a brighter shade of green
  6. 在洗禮過程中灑水的行為(非常罕見)。
    the act of sprinkling water in baptism (rare).
  7. 那些移植的植物應該細心灑水直到重新紮根。
    The transplants should be watered carefully until they get a new roothold
  8. 她正在給滿地灰塵的小路上灑水
    She is sprinkling water on the dusty path .
