拼音:sǎo chú英文解釋:
broom; brush aside; cleanup; clear away; liquidate; remove; sweep; wipe out【經】 cleanup
(1) ∶用掃帚、刷子等清除髒東西大掃除(2) ∶清除;消除掃除文盲(3) ∶全... >>查看“掃除”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.cleanoff 2.houseclean 3.sweeping 4.swept 5.sweep 6.purify 7.cleaning 8.liquidate 9.brushaside 10.mown 11.sweptup 12.balayage 13.sweepingout 14.rakeoff 15.mow 16.broom中英例句:
- 由於進行大掃除,屋裡的一切弄得亂七八糟。Everything in the house was turned upside down for the cleaning.
- 這種壞事不是一下能掃除乾淨的。Such evil practice cannot be swept away at once.
- 我今天在廚房裡做了一陣掃除,現在確實乾淨了。I had a blitz on the kitchen today, and now it's really clean.
- 我們掃除了敵人,昂首闊步地攻入了下一座城市。Brushing the enemy aside, we swept into the next town.