拼音:sāng shì英文解釋:
funeral arrangement中文解釋:
指人死後殮葬、哀悼等事情 >>查看“喪事”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 我還沒有處理我父母的喪事。I still have not come to grips with the death of my parents.
- 家中的喪事使我們的聖誕慶祝會變得令人掃興。A death in the family put a damper on our Christmas celebrations
- 冬寒春暖,喪事頻繁。A green Yule and a white Pasch make a fat churchyard
- 家中的喪事使我們的聖誕慶祝會變得令人掃興。A death in the family put a damper on our Christmas celebrations.