字典網>> 漢英字典>> S開頭詞條>>散布的的英文翻譯


拼音:sàn bù de


【醫】 disseminated


  1. 經追查發現,這個謠言是一個記者散布的
    The rumour was traced back to a journalist
  2. 好象在空氣中流動、飄動或廣泛散布的
    streaming or flapping or spreading wide as if in a current of air.
  3. 由反對黨授意散布的醜聞
    a scandal inspired by the Opposition
  4. 散布,分發散布的行為或被分發的狀態;散布
    The act of dispersing or the condition of being dispersed; diffusion.
  5. 在分支繁密和散布的特點上類似於灌木。
    resembling a bush in being thickly branched and spreading
  6. 經追查發現,這個謠言是一個記者散布的
    The rumour was traced back to a journalist .
  7. 通過嘴巴報告或者散布的
    reported or spread by word of mouth.
  8. 散開的廣泛擴展、散布的;不集中的
    Widely spread or scattered; not concentrated.
