拼音:sài pǎo 英文解釋:
race; run; running
比賽跑步速度。亦指此項運動。 丁玲 《奔》:“老爺們昂首在鄉下人旁邊,賽跑似的朝... >>
查看“賽跑”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
footrace 2.
runner 3.
runarace 4.
racing 5.
torace 漢語造句:
- 一個賽跑者在轉最後一彎時被人擋住了。
One of the runners got boxed in on the final bend.
- 賽跑運動員已進入起跑線上的位置。
The runners got into position on the starting line.
- 賽跑者以極高的速度起跑。
The runners set off at a blistering pace.
- 他賽跑得了第一。
He came first in the race.
- 儘管他努力了,仍落在其他賽跑者之後。
Even though he tried, he still lagged behind other runners.
- 賽跑運動員們被叫回來,因為他們中有一人搶跑了。
The runners were called back because one of them beat the pistol.
- 他每天早晨花兩個小時練習賽跑。
Every morning he spent two hours training for the race.