- 乳腺癌患者生活質量對照研究
A control study on quality of life of patients with breast cancer
- 乳腺癌和宮頸癌的DALY在上升。
And the DALY of breast cancer and cervical cancer were rising.
- 乳腺癌骨轉移早期事件的探討
The Discuss of Early Events for Bone Metastasis in Breast Cancer
- 淋巴結陰性乳腺癌患者輔助治療的研究進展
Progress in the adjuvant therapy of node-negative breast cancer patients
- 本文用ABC法對乳腺癌和乳腺良性病變的組織進行PCNA、C-erbB-2、ER和PR檢測。
CNA,C-erbB-_2,ER and PR of breast cancer and benign breast
- MA737小鼠乳腺癌細胞的雷射電泳行為
Laser Electrophoresis Behavior of MA737 Mammary Carcinoma Cells
- 飲食脂肪與乳腺癌危險性META分析
A Meta Analysis or Dietary Fat and Breast Cancer
- 生長抑素在乳腺癌中的表達及其臨床意義
Expression of somatostatin(SST) in breast cancer