拼音:rǔ lào 英文解釋:
cheese; cream; knish
從乳清中分離出的凝乳在模子裡凝結成軟乾酪,再壓製成硬幹酪,成熟後用作食品 >>
查看“乳酪”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 他買了一塊乳酪和一瓶葡萄酒。
He bought a brick of cheese and a bottle of wine.
- 把乳酪放入一個攪拌盆,攪打至勻滑。
In a large bowl, beat cream cheese until smooth
- 一塊乳酪可以暫時充飢。
A piece of cheese will keep off hunger for a time.
- 貓兒閉著眼睛偷乳酪,掩耳盜鈴。
Cat shuts its eyes while it steals cream.
- 母親的最後一道食品是好吃的乳酪。
My mother had some nice cheese to end with.
- 那個農夫掰下一塊麵包就著乳酪吃起來了。
The farmer twisted off a piece of bread to eat with his cheese.
- 那個農夫掰下一塊麵包就著乳酪吃起來了。
The farmer twisted off a piece of bread to eat with his cheese
- 我要乳酪包和一份蔬菜色拉。
Ill have the cheeseburger with a green salad please