拼音:rù ěr英文解釋:
pleasant to hear中文解釋:
悅耳;中聽不堪入耳 >>查看“入耳”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 不堪入耳offensive to the ear; obscene; vulgar
- 這些語言不堪入耳。These remarks are intolerable to the ear.
- 插入耳機,喇叭里就聽不到聲音了。When an earphone is plugged in , no sound is heard from the loudspeaker .
- 當我們又談起不堪入耳的閒話時,母親說,“住嘴!”"Hush up, "Mother said, when we began to repeat ugly gossip.
- 好言常常不入耳。The kind advices are often unpleasant to the ear.