字典網>> 漢英字典>> R開頭詞條>>軟γ-線的英文翻譯


拼音:ruǎn xiàn


【醫】 soft gamma-rays


  1. 他老是把錢借給她,心腸也太了。
    He's always lending her money; he's too soft-hearted.
  2. 松木是木,柚木是硬木。
    Pine is a soft wood and teak is a hard wood.
  3. 這管子柔但很堅固
    This tube is flexible but tough.
  4. 石墨是一種而黑的物質
    Graphite is a soft black substance.
  5. 小貓的爪子很
    The kitten has very soft paws.
  6. 春天的時候,踩在松的地面上非常舒服
    It's very comfortable to step on the soft ground in the spring.
  7. 花園裡的泥土松肥沃
    The earth in the garden is good, soft soil.
