字典網>> 漢英字典>> R開頭詞條>>肉的的英文翻譯


拼音:ròu de


fleshy; meaty
【醫】 carnal; carneous; sarcous


  1. 大西洋產的螃蟹;新鮮蟹肉的最普通的來源。
    Atlantic crab; most common source of fresh crabmeat.
  2. 肢端肥大症患者增生性結腸息肉的高度流行
    High prevalence of hyperplastic colonic polyps in acromegalic subjects
  3. 我們想用賣羊毛的錢來償還豬肉的貨款,你看這樣做行嗎?
    Is it possible for us to sell our wool as payment for your pork?
  4. 無氧運動增強了肌肉的力量,加快了運動速度。
    Anaerobic exercises improve muscle strength or build up speed.
  5. 太多的蒜破壞了肉的味道
    Too much garlic killed the taste of the meat.
  6. 一種專門賣烤肉的餐館。
    a restaurant that specializes in roasted and barbecued meats
  7. 這個醬能提升肉的風味。
    This sauce will enhance the flavor of meat.
  8. 一篇有血有肉的報導
    a news report full of vivid details
