拼音:róu dào英文解釋:
judo【醫】 jiujitsu; judo; jujitsu
起源於日本的一項體育運動。二人徒手相搏,類似摔跤 >>查看“柔道”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.jiujitsu 2.jiu-jitsu 3.ju-jitsu中英例句:
- 段在東方武術中,黑腰帶的級別精通達12級中的任一級,如柔道和空手道Any of12 levels of proficiency at the grade of black belt in martial arts such as judo and karate.
- 他是一位柔道七段的高手,而且他屬於一個惡名著的黑社會幫派。He is a seventh- degree judo black belt. Besides, he belongs to a notorious underworld gang.
- 他是一個體育愛好者,喜歡籃球,高爾夫,滑雪,柔道等He is a keen sportsman enjoying basketball, golf, skiing and judo
- 亞洲柔道聯合會Judo Union of Asia
- 日本的一種類似柔道的武術形式。a Japanese martial art employing principles similar to judo
- 我參加過柔道社,在二年級的時候得到了二段。I was in the judo club, and got Second Dan rank during my sophomore year.
- 像空手道和柔道之類的搏擊運動有受傷的危險。Combat sports such as karate and judo carry with them the risk of injury.