拼音:róng róng 英文解釋:
downy; fine and soft
(1) ∶形容毛髮等濃密柔軟(2) ∶形容花草叢生相逢之處花茸茸 >>
查看“茸茸”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 有皮毛的動物;毛茸茸的玩具熊。
furred animals; a furry teddy bear
- 兔子和松鼠是森林中毛茸茸的小生靈
Rabbits and squirrels are the furry, little people of the woods.
- 阿爾文穿得像一頭毛茸茸的熊。
Alwin dressed as a hairy bear
- 他有一對又大又軟的耳朵,全身上下都毛茸茸的。
He had big floppy ears and usually heaps of fluffy wool.
- 領導人真的害怕毛茸茸的八足動物嗎?
Is Leader Afraid of Hairy, Eight-Legged Things?
- 我喜歡這塊布的手感,它摸上去毛茸茸的很暖和。
I like the feel of this cloth;it has a warm woolly feel
- 毛茸茸的鬍子
a fuzzy beard
- 毛茸茸的尾巴
a bushy tail