拼音:rè yā英文解釋:
【計】 hot-press【化】 hot-pressing
1.hotpress 2.heatpressure 3.hotcompression 4.hotextrusion 5.hot-pressed 6.hot-press(ing) 7.hot-pressing中英例句:
- 熱壓法製備SiC_(pl)增強BAS微晶玻璃的力學性能Mechanical Properties of SiC_(pl) BAS Fabricated By Hot pressing
- 集散控制系統在中密度纖維板熱壓生產線中的套用研究Study on Application of DCS in Hot-Pressing Production Line of MDF
- 原來,服飾直接噴墨列印並不需要任何熱壓。Actually, DTG printing prints directly on fabric without Heat Press.
- 汽車鋁熱壓模的選材與試驗研究Material Selection and Test Research on the Vehicle Aluminum Hot-press Die
- 對熱壓法製備W/Cu功能梯度材料的可行性進行了研究 ,並對其組織結構進行了觀察 ,對其表觀抗彎強度及抗熱震性進行了測試 .The feasibility of fabricating W/Cu FGM by hotpressing was demonstrated.
- 熱壓機供回汽系統改進The improvement on supply and return steam line for hot press
- 中密度纖維板自動熱壓工藝的探討Discussion on the technology of automatic hot pressing in MDF line
- 濕法纖維板熱壓機改造的設計計算Design and Calculation of Wet Process Fibreboard Hot Press Remaking