拼音:rèn zhī 英文解釋:
acknowledge; cognize; perceive
認識、思維或知覺的自身發展,包括理解和推理的意識官能或過程,靠它獲得關於感覺或理... >>
查看“認知”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
perception 2.
perceive 3.
own 4.
recognize 5.
recognition 6.
cognize 7.
cognizance 8.
cognition 相關對話:
- 可認知的可知的或可覺察的
Knowable or perceivable.
- 範圍認知、知識、經驗或能力方面的範圍
Extent of perception, knowledge, experience, or ability.
- 淺析傳統美學對廣告客群認知的影響
The Impact of Traditional Esthetics on the Public Acceptance of Ads
- 關於農村地區對SARS認知及防護措施的調查研究
A knowledge, attitude and practice survey on SARS in a rural area
- 研究認知過程的學者。
a student of cognitive processes.
- 基於實例的企業形象認知度研究
A Case Study on Corporate Identity Cognition
- 程式模式與認知方式之間的關係
The Relationship between the Model of Program and the Cognitive Stybe