字典網>> 漢英字典>> R開頭詞條>>任性的的英文翻譯


拼音:rèn xìng de


capricious; headstrong; impulsive; self-indulgent; self-partial; self-willed
unruly; wilful
【法】 undisciplined; wanton; wayward; wilful


  1. 任性的或怪僻的行為
    Capricious or peculiar behavior.
  2. 任性的人不能容忍他們的願望遭受哪怕是最小的一點挫折。
    Willful people cannot tolerate the slightest frustration of their wishes.
  3. 放肆的,任性的行為不適當的;魯莽的或過於親熱的
    Taking undue liberties; forward or overfamiliar.
  4. 她一直是個任性的人。
    She has always been a wayward individual
  5. 被慣壞的孩子常常是任性的
    A spoiled child is often capricious
  6. 任性的
    a wilful character
  7. 任性的小孩
    a wilful child
  8. 那個任性的孩子很難教。
    That wayward child is very hard to teach.
