拼音:rèn xìng英文解釋:
caprice; freeness; headiness; overindulgence; self-indulgence; self-willselfishness; unruliness
聽憑秉性行事;放縱不約束自己曹植更不守法,飲酒無節,任性而行,是一個純粹的文士 >>查看“任性”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 會不會有人任性地圍繞著你吵吵鬧鬧Can there is somebody self-willed about that you are in a bustle
- 不要任性行事,研究一下自己的問題。Don’t act on caprice. Study your problem.
- 我們不能容忍他的任性行為。We cannot tolerate his headstrong actions.
- 他假裝出搖滾明星般倔傲的任性(阿那林·斯旺)。He affects the disdainful petulance of a rock star(Annalyn Swan
- 監管人員的簽名並不能說明同樣層次的責任性。Having a supervisor sign does not give the same level of accountability
- 她一直是個任性的人。She has always been a wayward individual
- 他假裝出搖滾明星般倔傲的任性(阿那林·斯旺)。He affects the disdainful petulance of a rock star(Annalyn Swan.
- 他女兒是一個任性的孩子。His daughter is a wilful child