拼音:rén tóu 英文解釋:
poll; relations with people; the number of people
(1) ∶人員數量人頭稅(2) ∶指與人的關係人頭熟(3) 〈方〉∶指人的品質... >>
查看“人頭”在國語詞典中的解釋 漢語造句:
- 人頭落地
be killed or beheaded
- 滿懷希望的人自會出人頭地。
Men of hope come to the front.
- 給病人頭部做手術
operate a patient on the head
- 那些雲的形狀像一個巨大的人頭。
Those clouds have the semblance of a large head
- 不管所處的條件如何,你可以出人頭地,特別是在你現任的工作中。
Regardless of your circumstances,you can make a difference
- 高峰期開車真叫人頭疼。
Driving during the rush hours can be a bit of a bind
- 人頭熟
know a lot of people
- 人頭稅
A poll tax