- 1963年的今天,美國與蘇維埃領導人間的熱線投入運行。
Hotline between U.S. and Soviet leaders goes into operation.
- 我想要一個兩人間的艙房。
I want a cabin for two
- 情人間的約會;幽會
An appointment for a meeting between lovers; a tryst
- 瑪麗與兩個男人間的三角戀愛關係
a triangular relationship between Mary and the two men
- 各國工人間的聯繫增強了。
The ties between the workers of various countries have grown stronger.
- 他(或她)的臂腕讓你魂牽夢繞?這件智慧型披肩能幫你記錄並模擬回放愛人間的親密接觸。
This scarf can record and play back the affectionate touch of loved ones.
- 人類的悲劇!人間的浩劫!
A great and tragic human calamity!
- 情人間的紛爭是愛情的更新。
The falling out lovers is the renewing of love.