拼音:rè dài de英文解釋:
intertropical; tropic; tropical【醫】 tropical
1.tropic 2.torrid 3.subsolar例句:
- 要用許多月的時間才能適應熱帶的生活。It takes many months to acclimatize/become acclimatized to life in a tropical climate.
- 熱帶的美國喬木的屬;基拉。genus of tropical American trees: quira.
- 帶些毒的灌木和小喬木的熱帶的屬。pantropical genus of somewhat poisonous shrubs and small trees.
- 美國的熱帶的屬;紐扣樹。monotypic genus of tropical American trees: button tree.
- 美國熱帶的木本藤植物或攀緣植物的屬。genus of tropical American woody vines.
- 父親輕率地想到一個熱帶的小島去生活。Father often toys with the thought of going to live on a tropical island.