拼音:rè chén de 英文解釋:
cordial; warm and sincere相關詞條:
enthusiastic 漢語造句:
- 她那熱忱的微笑使我深感受到歡迎。
The warmth of her smile made me feel welcome.
- 熱忱的行動
To be enthusiastic,Act enthusiastically
- 給予我們熱忱的接待;熱情的歡迎。
gave us a cordial reception; a hearty welcome.
- 在你喬遷新居之際,我獻上對你的最熱忱的祝願!
I hasten to congratulate you on your moving into your new residence.
- 以下將介紹一些培養熱忱的方法:
Her are steps to building your enthusiasm:
- 給予我們熱忱的接待;熱情的歡迎。
gave us a cordial reception; a hearty welcome
- 她那種熱忱的態度引起了我的注意。
Her earnest manner arrested me.