拼音:rè cháo英文解釋:
upsurge【醫】 aestus
(1) ∶熾熱的心潮關心教學質量的現今熱潮(2) ∶形容生機勃勃、轟轟烈烈的局面... >>查看“熱潮”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 聖誕爭購熱潮前超市市場的貨架堆滿了商品。The shelves in the supermarket is full of items before the Christmas rush.
- 生產熱潮a great upsurge in production
- 出現購買高科技股票的熱潮。These is a rush (n) for high-tech stocks
- 這個已經價值5億英鎊的建築可能會引發人們建造摩天大樓的熱潮。The building, already worth £500 million, could start a rush on skyscrapers
- 掀起發展華文文藝熱潮Call for concerted effort to develop Chinese literature
- 聖誕爭購熱潮前超市市場的貨架堆滿了商品。The shelves in the supermarket are full of items before the Christmas Rush.