字典網>> 漢英字典>> R開頭詞條>>繞線的英文翻譯


拼音:rào xiàn


【機】 winding


  1. 繞線張力控制採用無源磁阻尼張力器控制。
    Uses the sourceless magnetic damping tensor to control winding tension.
  2. 釣絲纏到繞線輪上,亂得理不出來。
    The fishing line was hopelessly snarled on the reel.
  3. 用線纏繞線軸;將線纏到線軸上
    to wind a spool with thread
  4. 貝德的釣竿已經裂了, 而蒙德的繞線已經損壞了。
    Baker's rod is splintered, and Mond's reel is out of fix.
  5. 放倒梭芯壓片1,讓繞線輪接觸皮帶。
    Set bobbin presser 1 down to make the winder come in contact with the belt.
  6. BDL-10繞線片感測試編帶機開發中的體會
    Experience of BDL-10 L Test and Tape Machine
  7. 往線軸上繞線
    Wind string around a spool
