字典網>> 漢英字典>> R開頭詞條>>染劑的英文翻譯


拼音:rǎn jì


【醫】 dye; stain


  1. 嗜中性染料的不一定非用酸性或鹼性染劑染色不可的,也易於用中性染劑染色的,尤其指白細胞
    Not stained strongly or definitely by either acid or basic dyes but stained readily by neutral dyes. Used especially of white blood cells.
  2. 嗜鹼的與易為鹼性染劑染色的組織成分有關的
    Relating to tissue components that stain readily with basic dyes.
  3. 一種有毒無色的鹽,用作媒染劑,亦用於製藥。
    a poisonous colorless salt used as a mordant and in medicine
  4. 染劑一種將灰色染成銀白色的染劑
    A rinsing agent used to give a silver tint to gray or graying hair.
  5. 異染性染劑
    a metachromatic stain
  6. 染劑AH在滌棉織物熱熔染色中的套用
    Application of Leveling Agent AH to Thermosol Dyeing of T/C Fabric
  7. 染劑一種將灰色染成銀白色的染劑
    A rinsing agent used to give a silver tint to gray or graying hair
