拼音:qū cháng 英文解釋:
區長為行政區劃區的行政長官。區長是中華人民共和國區人民政府領導,由區人民代表大會... >>
查看“區長”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 某個地區長期平均的天氣狀況。
the weather in some location averaged over some long period of time.
- 他在山區長大。
He was brought up in the mountains.
- 澳大利亞含鹽的沼澤地區長腿、三趾的涉水鳥。
long-legged three-toed wading bird of brackish marshes of Australia.
- 培養教區長助理、牧師或法學博士的神學學校。
a theological school for training ministers or priests or rabbis.
- 他在卡爾加里的西南區長大。
He grew up in the south western part of Calgary.
- 溫暖地區長有短觸角的蝗蟲,具有遷移性。
migratory grasshoppers of warm regions having short antennae.
- 北京地區長壽老人細胞遺傳學研究
Cytogenetics of Longevous Persons in Beijing
- 助理牧師協助教區長或教區牧師的教職人員
A cleric who assists a rector or vicar