拼音:qū xī英文解釋:
bend one's knees【醫】 genuflex
(1) ∶跪下或跪倒對穹廬以屈膝。——南朝梁&middo... >>查看“屈膝”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.flexionofkneejoint 2.genuflex 3.genuflect例句:
- 那位老人卑躬屈膝地去找富人要錢。The old man went cap in hand to the rich, asking some money.
- 我不會卑躬屈膝地到他們面前去請求幫助。I am not going to them, cap in hand, and ask for help.
- 亞當是個園丁,而創造他的上帝,又要求上好的園藝工作之半是屈膝跪著來做的。Adam is a gardener and God, who made him, see that half of all good gardening is done upon the knee.
- 卑躬屈膝,獻媚奉承卑賤地或膽怯地彎腰;卑躬屈膝To bend servilely or timidly; cringe.
- 母親屈膝抱起孩子。The mother bent at the knees to pick up her baby.
- 她向國王行了屈膝禮。She curtsied to the king.
- 殺了我,我不會在你面前屈膝。Kill me now. I will not kneel before you.
- 她有禮貌地向我行屈膝禮。She bobbed politely at me.