拼音:qū tǐ英文解釋:
body【醫】 soma; Somato-
身軀 >>查看“軀體”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.idiosoma 2.soma 3.outwardAdam漢語造句:
- 在一隻大箱子裡發現了受害者遭肢解的軀體。The victim's dismemberedbody was found in a trunk.
- 軀體是有形的,而靈魂是無形的。The body is material but the soul is immaterial.
- 老人用棍子捅了一下那具軀體看它動不動。The old man touched the body with a stick to see if it would move.
- (人體等上的)凹窩軀體或器官上天然的洞或凹陷A natural hollow or depression in the body or an organ
- 用一面旗蓋住靈柩;纏裹著她軀體的長袍Draped the coffin with a flag; a robe that draped her figure
- DIS-ⅢA-Yu調查結果探討軀體化障礙的診斷標準項目Diagnostic criterion items for somatization disorders by DIS-Ⅲ A-Yu
- 這種可怕的紊亂會是由星體軀體的錯位引起的嗎?This terrible disorder may be caused by a dislocation of the astral body?
- 切開的公豬的半邊軀體。dressed half of a hog carcass