拼音:qū shì英文解釋:
current; direction; sequel; stream; tide; trend; uptrend; wind【計】 trend
【醫】 tendency
【經】 trend
事物或局勢發展的動向(用“趨勢”這個詞表示一種向尚不明確... >>查看“趨勢”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.uptrend 2.tide 3.tendence 4.current 5.clinamen 6.lead(pb) 7.tend 8.sequel 9.stream 10.wind(up) 11.direction例句:
- 新法例有限制新聞自由的趨勢。Recent laws have tended to restrict the freedom of the press.
- 失控的通貨膨脹似乎阻止這一趨勢的發展。The runaway inflation would seem to put the brakes on such a trend.
- 增長,向上的趨勢An upward swing or trend.
- 人們在家裡而不是在辦公室里工作的趨勢日益增長。There is a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices.
- 物價仍有上漲趨勢。The trend of prices is still upwards.