拼音:qù lù英文解釋:
前進的道路;去某處的道路擋住敵人的去路 >>查看“去路”在國語詞典中的解釋例句:
- 一場山崩阻斷了牛群的去路。A landslip cut the cattle off from the paths before them
- 一棵倒下的大樹擋住了他們的去路。A fallen tree was standing in their way
- 一根圓木擋住了他開車的去路。A log got in his way as he drove
- 切斷去路cut off one's route (to a certain place)
- 這塊大石頭擋住了去路。The big stone is standing in the way of stepping.
- 一條大河擋住了去路。A big river blocks the way
- 雪堆阻礙他的去路。A snowdrift blocked his path
- 還有可供選擇的去路嗎?Is there an alternative to going?