- 3個區間中,鏟取區間是整個作業循環的關鍵。
The scoop-up was the key phase during a scooping cycle.
- 這樣的數據顯示,經濟沒有滑入衰退區間。
This data refuses to slip into recession territory.
- 邊界元域內積分處理的區間方法
Interval Method for Handling Domain Integral of BEM
- 基於機率區間的Bayes決策方法
Bayesian Decision Method Based on Probability interval
- [a,b]區間上函式的傅立葉展開
Fourier Expansion of Function on [a, b] Interval
- 永磁同步電機定子磁鏈十二區間直接轉矩控制
A DTC Scheme of Twelve-Section Stator Flux Linkage for PMSM
- 3個區間中,鏟取區間是整個作業循環的關鍵。
The scoop-up was the key phase during a scooping cycle
- 頻率分布一次頻率分布的區間內計算的數量
The number of measurements in an interval of a frequency distribution.