拼音:qū gàn英文解釋:
trunk【醫】 torso; truncus; trunk
(1) ∶人體除頭、頸和四肢外的軀體部分應元偉軀幹。——... >>查看“軀幹”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.truncus 2.somatopagus中英例句:
- 附器,附肢與身體的軸或軀幹相連的部位或器官,如胳膊、腿、尾或鰭A part or an organ, such as an arm, a leg, a tail, or a fin, that is joined to the axis or trunk of a body.
- 軀幹人或動物的軀幹或主體The trunk or torso of a human being or an animal.
- 具有柔軟軀幹的寄生螺旋菌小屬具有3到5個波浪型的螺旋。small flexible parasitic spirochetes having three to five wavy spirals.
- 沒有軀幹或者主要部分。having no trunk or main part.
- 後腿部分四足動物兩後腿附著於軀幹處以後的所有部分The posterior part of a quadruped, adjacent to the hind legs.
- 雙峰駝軀幹骨解剖Study on the Dissection of Skeletons of the Trunk in Bactrian Camel