拼音:qū fēn英文解釋:
differentiate; distinguish; division; partition; repartition; separate【電】 partitioning
(1) ∶劃分;區別;辨別;分辨不到四歲的小孩很難區分昨天和一星期以前這種時間的... >>查看“區分”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 個性特徵個性的或帶有區分性質的特徵An individual or distinguishing feature.
- 分離,區分分離或分開的行為或過程The act or process of separating or dividing
- 指出兩事物間的不同;將兩事物加以區分Draw a distinction between sth and sthbshow how two things differ
- 植物學家能區分各種不同的植物。A botanist can differentiate varieties of plants.
- 跨省區分行Trans-provincial or trans-regional branches
- 羅莎,我很難把賽艇運動、皮艇運動以及划艇運動區分開來。Rosa, I find it hard to distinguish between rowing, canoeing, and kayaking.
- 不同點,差異之處可區分的要素、屬性或特點A distinguishing factor, attribute, or characteristic.