- 信不信由你, 他昨天確確實實是在這兒。
Believe it or not, he was here yesterday as large as life.
- 我說的確確實實他都不信,仍有疑慮。
My assurances don't satisfy him: he's still sceptical.
- 在確確實實知道她有罪的情況下
In the sure and certain knowledge of her guilt
- 油沙開發不存在勘探的風險--油沙確確實實的存在那裡。
There is no exploration risk: the oil is definitely there.
- 這確確實實像是個"歡樂調頻家庭"。
It does really feel like a Joy-FM Family.
- 現實主義者注重確確實實的事實和實用的人
One who is inclined to literal truth and pragmatism.
- 是個單身漢,親愛的,確確實實是個單身漢!一個有錢的單身漢;
single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune;