拼音:què dìng英文解釋:
confirm; ensure; fix on; make certain; make sure; ascertain; certainty【計】 OK
【經】 clinch; ensure; recognize
(1) ∶固定聖人視《易》,如雲行水流,初無定相,不可確定也。—&m... >>查看“確定”在國語詞典中的解釋漢語造句:
- 他四處張望,要確定周圍沒人。He looked around to confirm that he was alone
- 宴會的日期尚未確定The date of the dinner party is still in the air
- 地方一塊有確定或不確定的邊界的地方;一塊空間An area with definite or indefinite boundaries; a portion of space
- 提出、確立或公認的;尤其是長期確定的。brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established.
- 和談被不確定的延長了。there was an indefinite prolongation of the peace talks.
- 定調給予一個確定的音調或聲調To give a particular tone or inflection to
- 用 IR確定了 NPS的結構 ,用柱層析法分析了 NPS產品組成。The structures of NPS were identified by IR.
- 硐室GIS子系統中屬性數據不確定性分析與質量控制Uncertainties and quality control for attribute data in a dit GIS