字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>缺的英文翻譯 “缺”的日文翻譯



be short of; imperfect; lack; minus
【醫】 a-


缺 quē 不夠:缺乏。缺少。缺憾。欠缺。缺漏。 殘破:缺點。缺口。缺陷。 空...


  1. H08Mn2Si連鑄坯表面陷的成因與控制
    Cause and control on surface defects of CC billet of H08Mn2Si steel
  2. 乏天縱靈感,難成大器。
    No one have become great without some degree of divine inspiration.
  3. 乏內胎的密封的輪胎。
    one not needing an inner tube to be airtight.
  4. 她研究的是覺對人的影響。
    Her research examined the effects of lack of sleep.
  5. 因房頂少瓦片,雨滲進來了。
    The rain came in for want of tile on the roof.
  6. 母親的席與母愛的在場——《簡·愛》解讀
    Mother-Absence and Maternity-Presence ——Reading of Jane Eyre
  7. 以疏忽和不適當的乏關心為特點。
    characterized by neglect and undue lack of concern.
  8. 如今, 我們不愁吃, 不穿。
    We lack neither food nor clothing today.
