拼音:qū dòng lì英文解釋:
【化】 driving force相關詞條:
1.traction 2.rimpull 3.motion-promotingforce 4.propulsiveeffort漢語造句:
- 驅動力;推力An impelling force; a thrust
- CCTV:品牌傳播第一驅動力CCTV:First Driving Force of Brand Promulgation
- 提供推動力或驅動力的系統。a system that provides a propelling or driving force
- 自驅車輛提供驅動力的軸承。the axle of a self-propelled vehicle that provides the driving power
- 自驅車輛提供驅動力的軸承。the axle of a self-propelled vehicle that provides the driving power.
- 呼,叫內在需求;強烈的驅動力An inner urge; a strong impulse
- 驅動力的配置也能夠在行車電腦上顯示。The power distribution can also be displayed on the onboard computer.