字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>取出的英文翻譯


拼音:qǔ chū


break out; eduction; extraction; pop; take out
【化】 take out
【醫】 extraction


  1. 他們取出一些產品的樣本作評估。
    They took some samples of products for evaluation.
  2. 她從手提包里取出了一個小筆記本。
    She extracted a small notebook from her handbag
  3. 用支竹籤或是細筷子插入蛋糕中間,取出要是乾淨的就是烤好了。
    The cake is baked through when you insert a skewer and it remains clean
  4. 從抽屜里取出一份卷宗
    Draw a file from a drawer
  5. 從地下取出植物的根。
    take out of the ground, of root crops.
  6. 爸爸取出一枚別針,將花別在他的外衣上。
    Dad took a pin and pinned the flower to his coat
  7. 煮糖漿,直到你用匙子取出時它會拉出絲來。
    Cook the syrup until it ropes when you lift it with a spoon.
  8. 當我們取出黑匣子後,才知道飛機墜毀的原因。
    When we took out the black box, we found out why the plane clashed.
