- 小組一群,認為是更大的群內有區別的整體
A group regarded as a distinct entity within a larger group
- 斑疹與周圍組織有區別的小塊區域
A small area distinguishable from the surrounding tissue
- 具有悅耳的音調(與敘述相區別的)。
having a melody (as distinguished from recitative)
- 診斷的診斷或區別的
Diagnostic or distinctive.
- 使…變陳腐因不加區別的使用而使之變得平庸,陳腐
To make banal or hackneyed with indiscriminate use.
- "變老和成熟是有巨大區別的。
“There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.
- 性區別的形式使用的一個或多個區別形式
The distinguishing form or forms used.
- 區別的構成或製造差異;顯著
Constituting or making a difference; distinctive.