拼音:quàn zǔ英文解釋:
discourage sb. from; dissuade; dissuasion; put off【法】 dissuade
(1) ∶鼓勵和禁止善惡無所勸阻(2) ∶勸人不要做某事或進行某種活動你最好勸阻... >>查看“勸阻”在國語詞典中的解釋中英例句:
- 我曾勸阻他不要咬指甲。I have tried to discourage him from biting nails.
- 他打算決鬥,但是我們勸阻了他。He planned to have a duel, but we balked him out of it.
- 在這所學校里我們勸阻吸菸。We discourage smoking in this school.
- 我勸阻他才不這樣做的。I dissuaded him from doing so.
- 設法勸阻他今晚開車去舊金山。Try to discourage him from driving back to San Francisco tonight.
- 我試著勸阻他停止這一計畫,但是徒勞無用。I tried to talk him out of the project, but in vain.
- 和某人理論為了勸阻的目的。reason with (somebody) for the purpose of dissuasion.
- 我曾勸阻過她別結婚。I tried to dissuade her from getting married.