拼音:quán shēn 英文解釋:
at every pore; flesh and fell; head and ears; whole body
(1) ∶整個身體她全身都疼(2) ∶外文活字一個字母的長度(m字寬),為破折號... >>
查看“全身”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 我因疼痛興發燒而變得全身無力。
I was left helpless with pain and fever.
- 中華I型全身CT機的病人定位系統
PPU of Whloe Body CT Scanner in China Model I
- 他全身是傷。
He is a mass of wounds.
- 他全身上下都穿著黑衣服。
He was in black from crew to earing
- 你需要全身檢查。
You need a general check up.
- 在一次執行任務時,他成為全身癱瘓。
Once on duty, he became paralyzed.
- 全身麻醉;綜合症狀。
a general anesthetic; general symptoms
- 那訊息使他全身振奮。
The news sent a thrill through him