字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>全力地的英文翻譯


拼音:quán lì dì




  1. 我竭盡全力地做好工作。
    I tried to do my work to the best of my ability.
  2. 我們那個混蛋老闆竭盡全力地想榨乾我們的血汗。
    Our boss, a creep, tried every means to bleed us dry.
  3. 國家已經將高度自治的權力交給了我們,也在全力地支持我們。
    Our country has given us a high degree of autonomy, and her full support.
  4. 我正在竭盡全力地工作, 想在下周完成這項任務。
    I am working flat out to get this job finished by next week.
  5. 貴方可以放心,我們向貴方保證我們會竭盡全力地使發貨儘可能地滿足貴方的要求。
    We assure you that we shall do our best to expedite shipment.
  6. 國家已經將高度自治的權力交給了我們,也在全力地支持我們。
    Our country has given us a high degree of autonomy, and her full support
  7. 至於工作,我總是竭盡全力地乾。
    I always try to do my best.
  8. 我們在竭盡全力地工作
    We are working at full capacity
