字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>去的英文翻譯 “去”的日文翻譯



be apart from; betake; get rid of; go; leave; remove; repair
【醫】 de-; des-


去 qù 離開所在的地方到別處;由自己一方到另一方,與“來”相對:去處。去路。...


  1. 我們要郊遊時應該帶些什麼?
    What should we take when we are going to have an outing?
  2. 汽車急剎車, 使得他猛地向前傾
    The sudden stopping of the car plunged him forwards.
  3. 替我把這放到邊上
    Please put this aside for me.
  4. 她請我陪他郵局。
    She asked me to go along with him to the post office.
  5. 等我有時間的時候,我將這座城市玩。
    When I have time, I will visit the city.
  6. 愛麗絲領著路,和這群鳥獸一起自岸邊游
    Alice led the way, and the whole party swam to the shore.
  7. 不必擔心,讓這所有的一切都見鬼吧。
    No need to worry; the hell with all this.
  8. 我不準備再別的什麼地方了。
    I am going to nowhere else.
