拼音:qiú mò zhù tiě 英文解釋:
【化】 nodular cast iron; spheroidal graphite cast iron相關詞條:
spheroidalgraphitecastiron 2.
nodulargraphitecastiron 3.
nodularcastiron 4.
DCI 5.
ductalloy 6.
nodulargraphite 7.
globulargraphitecastiron 8.
nodularironcast 9.
nodulariron 相關對話:
- EQ491鑄態珠光體球墨鑄鐵連桿的研究
The Study on EQ491 Pearlite Ductile Cast Iron Pitman
- 奧貝球墨鑄鐵的接觸疲勞與耐磨性能
The Contact Fatigue and Wear Resistance of ADI
- 閥門的閥體、閥板製造材料應該是球墨鑄鐵。
3 The valve body and disc of valve shall be made of ductile cast iron.
- 球墨鑄鐵材料對雷射的吸收率
On Laser Absorptivity of Ductile Iron
- La、Si在球墨鑄鐵中的行為
The Action of La,Si in Ductile Iron
- 消失模鑄造在球墨鑄鐵鑄件生產上的套用
Application of EPC Process in Ductile Cast Iron Casting
- 用貝氏體球墨鑄鐵製作鐵路貨車斜楔鐵的研究
The Study of Making Slanting Wedge in Freight Train with ADI
- 12V400型柴油機整體球墨鑄鐵活塞的研究
Study of Nodular Cast Iron Monobloc Piston of Model 12V400 Diesel Engine