autumn; harvest time; year中文解釋:
秋 (⑥鞦) qiū 一年的第三季:秋季。秋景。秋水(喻人的眼睛,多指女子的)...>>查看“秋”在國語字典中的解釋
- 我為秋葉描上顏色。I col-or the autumn leaves.
- 我們將在秋季進行大規模徵兵。We’re going to launch a big recruitment drive in the autumn
- 瑞秋有新的洋娃娃啦Phoebe: Rachel has a new doll
- 雜戲團的演員用的秋千。a swing used by circus acrobats
- 摘要《左傳》是一部儒家的史傳和經典,思想傾向與《春秋》有致性,但不盡相同。The book Zuo Zhuan is a Confucian historical biography and classic
- 秋天,樹葉改變顏色。change color, as of leaves in the Fall.
- 秋葉簌簌作響的聲音the sound of autumn leaves rustling
- 中華秋海棠的顯微鑑別Pharmacognostic Studies on Begonia sinensis Rhizome