字典網>> 漢英字典>> Q開頭詞條>>歧途的英文翻譯 “歧途”的日文翻譯


拼音:qí tú


wrong road


亦作“ 歧塗 ”。1.岔路。 清 趙翼 《放歌》:“誰教東馳西騖多歧塗,貪如奪... >>查看“歧途”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 她去紐約帶回她那步入歧途的女兒
    She went to New York to bring back her errant daughter
  2. 這陌生人因不認識路而走入歧途
    Not knowing the road, the stranger went out of his way.
  3. 引入歧途;欺騙
    To lead astray; deceive.
  4. 品行不端的朋友將他引入歧途(近墨者黑)。
    C-friends led him astray.
  5. 他入獄前將許多兒童引入歧途
    He had led many children astray before he went to prison .
  6. 他肯定會把你引入歧途的。
    He is sure to lead you into error.
  7. 這種思想只會把世界人民引入歧途
    Such ideas will lead the word’s people astray.
  8. 她是一個在世間誤入歧途的女子。
    She was a woman ganging a wee bit gleed in her walk through the world
